All in one worm Farm and Garden
About Composta
It is an all-in-one Wormfarm and Garden. It uses your everyday kitchen scraps which also reduce household waste and with the aids of the Composting Worms, products a rich organic fertilizer which is instantly feeds to your plants growing on the Composta. Just plant out your garden, then place your food scraps waste in the centre tower. It is that easy. I saw this product at a Home show and it did look great as well as everything else that they claim it to be. The Composta worm farm and garden will help you to grow some healthy nutritious plants and help your planet. It is easy to use, clean and stylish.
The Composta was Design and Invented in 2010 by Brad Travis. The product is Australian made, in sunny Queensland. The product is around 53 cms in diameter and 52 cm in height. The product
is made from BPA-free, UV stable plastic which has a 50 years outdoor rating. 1 unit is normally suitable for most kitchen waste from 1 to 2 people, however there are a couple of food scrapes that you should avoid putting in the Composta as the worm are not happy with them. Most plants herbs and other plants can be grown in the Composta but there are a few exception.
See their website for more information and helpful tips about the product, You can contact Brad or Julie if you have any further questions about this product. They were very interesting to talk too.
I have included some testimonials from their very happy customers. And there was quite a lot on the website. One of their customers got one as a present for their mum for Christmas. Which I think I may do as well, as a know it would suit the smaller size house that she is moving into.
Their happy Customer Reviews:-
“I have had my Composta since July. It’s fantastic. Plants are prolific, worms have multiplied 10 fold. Gone are the days of the old stacked boxes. A friend could not find my worm farm until shown…” ~ Marie – Composta Owner – November 2017
“Hi Guys, I could not be happier with my Composta I purchased at the BOGI fair in Brisbane recently. I must admit, I was dubious at first, but the results speak for themselves – I can keep up with the lettuce (I’ve plucked them right down for meal after meal and they just keep bouncing back!), the eggplant is full of flowers and a couple of tiny little eggplants, the tomato is full of fruit. I wouldn’t have imagined everything I planted would progress so quickly to the point of bearing such amounts of fruit in only four weeks.
As an added bonus, I’m no longer throwing away all my kitchen scraps, and am actually eating better because I want to feed up my worm buddies! What a wonderful product, I’ve recommended to all my friends. :)” ~ Libby ~ Composta Owner – October 2017
“…I thoroughly enjoy it. My worms are very happy and so I find my herbs really grow. I am planning to buy another one everything grows well in them and they are very attractive for balconies or patios for herbs or flowers. Just love mine” ~ Margaret – Composta Owner – June 2018